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Committee Spotlight: Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee is charged with organizing the annual SAVIR conference. The committee is chaired by the conference host and consists of representatives from each of the SAVIR committees.

  • What should SAVIR members know about the conference planning committee?

We are super excited to meet back in person and hope everyone else is too!  The pandemic has certainly thrown a number of curve balls into this planning process.  It feels surreal to be joining back in person, but we’ve worked hard with the host site to ensure the safest measures possible.

  • Tell me a fun fact about your group.

We are truly on pins and needles hoping there isn’t another COVID surge before we get to meet at the conference.  That’s what you meant by “fun fact,” right??

  • If your next committee meeting were a talent show, who would have the most memorable performance and what would their talent be?

I would say Hannah Rochford from the Student & Early Career Professionals Committee. Her talent would be juggling, and there would definitely be multiple cross arm throws and it would involve juggling fire and axes. Hannah has been amazing in getting a lot of new ideas off the ground for this conference, including a session spotlighting student presentations and an early careers plenary speaker. She’s also taken on this work with a smile and so much grace, so I also have to say she’d be performing at said talent show in a very pristine outfit, with a perfect updo, and shining her pearly white smile. The crowd would definitely be in awe!

  • What initiatives are you most proud of? How can members partake in these efforts?

We’ve done more to highlight student and early career professionals for this conference, which is important for the future of injury and violence prevention initiatives. SAVIR members can sign up for the Speed Mentoring session during the conference on Thursday Mar 31st to help inspire and engage with students and early career professionals.

  • How can SAVIR members get involved with your committee? How often/when does your committee meet?

The Conference Planning Committee meets once a month, but more often as the conference nears. The best way to join the conference planning team is by getting involved in one of SAVIR’s other committees such as Science and Research or Communications. SAVIR committees are intimately involved in the conference planning process. In addition to being able to assist with conference planning, you’ll have long-term opportunities to engage with SAVIR and focus on a personal area of interest.

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